Selasa, 19 Mei 2015

My Daily: Super Junior's Yesung, Released from The Army A Day Earlier (05.04.15 11:06)

Super Junior Yesung (30 years old Kim Jongwoon) went early in the day as a member of society. 

Yesung has fulfilled his military service as a public service personnel in The Metropolitan Rapid Transit Corporation, and was released from convened at 4 am. Yesung is originally scheduled to be released from the convene on May the 5thbut since it's a children's day holiday day, his service was finished ahead of the service day. 

Yesung has finished the day off without convening a special event or cement. 

After his release, Yesung would have activities in June to July for a concert tour in Japan, Super Junior KRY preparation is in progress.

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